Monday, December 15, 2008

Last week of work . . .

I'm somewhere between feeling relieved and reluctant as I begin my last week of work before the trip. It's difficult to gauge exactly what my clients understand about my leaving. I will certainly miss them, but I also need an opportunity to work differently, in a different place. I'm excited about the possibilities at the AACT and in making music in a country where music means so much. As I bring things at work to a close it's all becoming a reality. I have nine days until I board the plane. Last night I sat up and wrote out all the things I have left to do - it filled a whole legal pad page. I'd tell you about my battle to overcome procrastination here, but I think I'll have to address that later.

Anyway, the response to my talk last weekend at my church has been tremendous. People have encouraged me in so many ways and offered to help with things I hadn't even considered. It's a beautiful thing to join such a committed body of believers.

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