Thursday, May 21, 2009

Like a pebble in a still pond

. . . the effects of my time in Ghana still continue to expand like ripples. I have a visceral reaction when I see water being wasted. I remember how it was a luxury to have enough water to shower, knowing that I would spend my day with people who didn't. I have spent a lot of time processing what I saw and did and I know that this isn't the last time I will travel somewhere that will challenge my sense of what I need. I keep coming back to St. Francis of Assisi, which surprises me, not being Catholic and never spending time studying the saints. But I found a great quote which says, "It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching." I haven't used this blog lately because I figured your interest was in my trip and now that the trip is over, there wasn't much more I had to say. But I do enjoy having a place to reflect on my experience, and I would be a fool if I thought my return to the US was the end of this adventure. I'm hoping to raise enough money by producing a High Life concert that the center will be able to move into a new building. I think it's important that it comes from folks in Ghana, to also help educate thoses citizens about the children with Autism living in their own communities. So - say a prayer that this project can get off the ground and I'll keep you updated on the progess. Oh - and by the way, I'm heading back to Honduras in August. Lots to write about there as well when I get back to seeing children I've gotten to know over the years and staying with our friends who have become like family. I guess I should consider changing the title of my blog . . . any suggestions?


Roia said...

How about "A Tale of an American Music Therapist in Tranit"? Or " Process"?

Roia said...

Oops, I meant in "Transit". Too much thesis reading.